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This is the first statistical analysis to compare co-operative and conventional business ownership worldwide.


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Executive Summary

This is the first statistical analysis to compare

co-operative and conventional business

ownership worldwide.

The report analyses the number of people who have an ownership

stake of co-operative enterprise together with those who have an

ownership stake through company shares.

The findings are that:

There are three times as many member owners of

co-operatives as individual shareholders worldwide. There are

328 million people who own shares, compared to 1 billion who

are member owners of co-operative enterprises.

There are three countries with over half the population in

co-operative membership and are all in Europe. These are

Ireland (70%), Finland (60%) and Austria (59%).

The countries with the most significant numbers of people in

co-operative membership, however, are predominantly in Asia

and the Americas. These are India (242 million), China (160

million) and the USA (120 million).

One in five people across the Americas, North and South, are a

member of a co-operative.

Only 7% of the world population lives in countries that do not

have stock markets.

In Africa, one in thirteen people is a member of a co-operative

and there are six times as many co-operative owners as there

are shareholders.

The country with the widest shareholder ownership across

its population is Japan (31%). In Japan, this has doubled over

the past two decades, whereas in the UK, individual share

ownership, compared to other institutional investors, has halved.

In the fast-growing BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and

China), there are four times as many co-operative members as

direct shareholders. 15% of their population are co-operative

members, compared to only 3.8% who are shareholders.


Filippo Addarii

Executive Director

Euclid Network – the European network of civil society professionals



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