

SzoSzöv hírlevél


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About Us is the world’s first global, digital campaign to spread the benefits of cooperation through the tradition of story-telling.

Stories connect people through the power of words and the power of pictures.

Stories tell the facts and they connect to our emotions, so your story of cooperation can make a lasting impact. delivers the UN’s message “Cooperative enterprises build a better world” to the global public in International Year of Cooperatives  2012.


We want the stories of cooperation from every corner of the globe; from the smallest cooperative to the biggest; from the cooperators with personal stories to tell or the stories of business success; to those with observations on the cooperative model.

We want to demonstrate to the globe the benefits of the cooperative way of doing business, through your story of cooperation.

Your stories will paint a picture of the enormous diversity of the co-operative experience.

Please play your part in our campaign.
Share your experience.


“Co-operatives are a reminder to the international
community that it is possible to pursue economic
sustainability and social responsibility”

Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General

Tell Your Story

In 2012 the United Nations International Year of Cooperatives – we’re going to tell the stories of cooperation with the power to influence … in words, pictures and video.

Starting now, we are collecting cooperative stories from every corner of the globe.

Play your part - tell your story - - show why the co-operative model works

3 steps to share … A billion stories to tell …

1. Write it, film it, or take a digital image
2. Upload it
3. Share it

The clock starts now – share your cooperative story with the world today and you could be one of the 366 feature stories – one on every day of 2012.

Every story will be shared on in the world’s first digital library of coop stories.

Your story will help others understand how cooperatives “build a better world”.


And don't just stop at one story ... you can upload more than one video or slideshow - in fact you can upload different stories as many times as you'd like. It all helps to spread the word, that, cooperatives build a better world. stories should be told in English. To tell your story, please register.

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